Friday, September 07, 2007

The PTC and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Primetime Lineup

NOTE: It has been well over a year now, but I am finally about to take charge of my blog once again...what a relief! :D

Ok, let's face it. We all know what the PTC stands for. It's an organization of religious-righties who want the federal government to expand its broadcasting powers so that they won't have an extreme burden put on them when it comes to raising their children. So now, curious as I am, I have decided to break down the PTC traffic lights and see what turns up. This is all my personal opinion, by the way.

GREEN LIGHT: Shows the PTC claims support responsibility and tradition.
AMERICAN IDOL - Once considered a noble idea (it gave us Kelly Clarkson and Carrie Underwood), it has now become a nightmare to watch. Think Sanjaya. If it weren't for teenyboppers who watch our good stuff and ruin it all for the rest of us, this would have been more appealing.
AMERICAN INVENTOR - Didn't watch much of it, but some of it was pretty interesting.
EXTREME MAKEOVER: HOME EDITION - Very much worth watching, one show that does cross across age groups.
POWER OF 10 - Drew Carey is a rising star. Wait, he may have been one already.
SUPER NANNY - Do we Americans expect to rely on Britain all the time to solve our problems? Not when it comes to bratty kids.

YELLOW LIGHT: Keep the little ones out the room (I'm talking elementary schoolers)
AMERICA'S FUNNIEST HOME VIDEOS - All because of uncensored home videos with a baby wearing (edited for content) or a man getting hit in the groin by a football? That's what makes AFV...AFV.
AMERICA'S GOT TALENT - Does the PTC have beef against Jerry Springer because of his TV raunch? It's a talent show! What do you expect?
DANCING WITH THE STARS - That's what competitive dancing is...competitiveness and style, even if the language isn't right and the attire is provocative.
KING OF THE HILL - This may seem pretty dangerous to an impressionable youngster who may start acting racist or judgmental (especially based on characters like the mentally deranged Cotton and Hank's elitist neighbor, Kahn). But otherwise, nothing is wrong with a satire of Texas culture.
SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE - Does not seem very interesting to me.
THE SIMPSONS - They do not want anyone under 14 watching the grandaddy of the American animated comedy? I was only six when I first watched it, and yes I did have some effects but NO, it didn't leave me wounded and scarred.

RED LIGHT: Inappropriate for their definition of "children"
AMERICA'S MOST WANTED - I admit. It is a very scary show for children to watch. That's why I never regularly watched it until I turned 12.
BOSTON LEGAL - This show is brilliant. But then again, would I want my son or daughter learning about the secret files of a law firm in Beantown?
BROTHERS AND SISTERS - This show is a definite choice to watch on a Sunday night when sports and studies don't get in the way. But what is the PTC's problem with a seemingly original show?
CSI - This show is as close to the forensic science profession as TV will get. A terrific show. Unless my kids want to go into forensic science, I'd probably be better off watching it on my own terms.
COPS - This show is appropriate for even teenagers, but young children will get nightmares from watching the most realistic show on TV, because unlike CSI, L&O and vice versa, the stars are 100% REAL police officers, whether they are in Texas or not.
DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES - The big problem with the show to them is sex. But does that mean even high-schoolers who supposedly make up a significant chunk of its viewing audience can't watch it? It's natural for a teenage girl to watch television that is uniquely her own.
ER - There was nothing scary about bodies being surgically examined on TV, even when I was only eight (when it first launched). And I can say it prepared me for my frog dissection in HS.
FAMILY GUY - It's a satire! What do you expect? (A satire without questionable content is not a satire at all)
GREY'S ANATOMY - There are medical procedures that could be useful if my son or daughter wants to be a doctor! It's not just about romance!
HEROES - This was the surprise smash hit of the previous TV season...because the storylines are as interesting as you can get. So what to them is wrong with the show?
LAS VEGAS - I would wholeheartedly agree on this one. It is a very realistic, but very mature show to watch, because Vegas is only appropriate for myself and anyone on my level of fun in Vegas (poker, sun, hunting for luxury goods, and I don't do outlets, fellas.)
LAW & ORDER - This is based on the news (e.g. one recent episode based on Diapergate), so this is one show that would require some supervision.
LOST - Quite an interesting show, but at what cost to innocent children?
NIP/TUCK - Easily one of the better scripted shows on cable. The name should send a message to the little ones.
- One of the last remnants of the WB is a teen drama that the PTC doesn't want teens to watch. What a bunch of ridiculous idiots these people are. As if life with even one romantic scene on TV is a nightmare.
RESCUE ME - This is an authentic replica (and I am going to shorten it to a portmanteau called" autheplica") of a firefighter in NYC. What do you expect with this show? I would have my kids wait until high school for something like this, and I do not want to say this until I am through with the blog, but the PTC wants to ruin it all for the rest of us by forcing advertisers to drop the ball and kill it, all because even ONE child watches it? What if that child is fascinated by firefighters and wants to be one himself?
THE BIGGEST LOSER - It does not recommend even teenagers (whom for some reason they describe as 'children') to watch this show. What if that kid wants inspiration to make him or herself feel proud? (and that's from the title song)
THE SHIELD - This show is pretty graphic, but hey, I was 15 and I could even hold my own breath through a homosexual scene.
TWENTY-FOUR - This can scare a kid, especially when the subject matter is terrorism.
WITHOUT A TRACE - This show is not appropriate for youngsters, but what angers me is the fact that CBS affiliates were fined all because of thousands of fake complaints they wrote that were nothing but the same generic computer-generated letter with next to nil personal input. Give me some real, actual, PERSONALIZED letters, geniuses!

And to top it off, they even complain about Don Imus (whose gaffe was caught live and without a rating) and an NFL playoff game (all because of a shirt with the F-bomb worn by a Saints fan against the Eagles that was also live as well).

So in other words, the PTC itself wants to control what everyone, even RESPONSIBLE EDUCATED MENSA MEMBERS who know what good TV is, watches on TV, so that their "precious little angels" will grow up 'perfectly'. And the possibility of that happening is next to nil, because only Jesus is perfect. And a lot of these whiners are going to eventually find out that even though they claim the Apocalypse is coming because of our sins, it is their sins that are to blame, not everyone else's. And I do answer to a more awesome God than theirs, which is seeming more like the God the neocons listen to, which makes me yearn for the days of Ronald Reagan and his classic form of government, which preached conservatism on ALL fronts, not just one or the other.

At least I agree with the PTC on MTV (which is nothing but Trash TV instead of music which its initials stand for) and cable choice (so I can get ESPN without the sappy, nausea-inducing Disney Channel, catch The Sopranos and Intervention on A&E without having to pay for Lifetime, and also not have to rummage past the three shopping channels after the city TV channel (Channel 16) to get to USA while still paying less money for a great American service). That in addition to some of my descriptions above.

So in other words, the PTC is basically a product of a brand of conservatism that is faltering and is not really conservative in any way. Why? Because its goals represent expanding our already bloated government, not helping America's Future.