Just to keep this blog current, I'm whipping up something for today...albeit in a timely fashion. And yes, for the fourth straight month, it's at the END of the month (pfft).
In the news around my home base...
The EPA is testing air quality at schools across the country...including four in Greater Houston, none in Fort Bend (we're pretty lucky) but two in Deer Park. This is not surprising as Deer Park is located with striking distance of the Port of Houston where many chemical plants are located. Link here.
KHOU (Channel 11/CBS) is bidding farewell to sports director Giff Nielsen...This decision is surprising, as despite parent company Belo's laying off of scores of employees, I did not expect Nielsen to leave anytime soon. Of course, he was not let go by Channel 11, instead it is Nielsen himself that has decided to hang up the mic. I wish the Giffer the best of luck in his future endeavors (and yes, he has plans with his future). Link here.
Could the Med Center lose its standing because of stem cells?...The state legislature could be an obstacle to stem cell research funding in Texas because of a provision attached to a budget bill in the State Senate that would restrict funding for embryonic stem cell research. Now of course, I believe cures should be found, and we must do our part to find cures that save and prolong lives. I have become more open on stem cells, for I have lost loved ones to ailments such as Alzheimer's and my mother is diabetic and would benefit from such research. There is broad consensus in saving lives, and while I personally believe that all life -- born and unborn -- is sacred, I now believe that finding a cure should take no limits. Link here.
Which flavor do you want your ballot dipped in?...Fort Bend County and the DOJ appear to be reaching an agreement after four long years on bilingual (or rather, multilingual) voting rights in Fort Bend. Now, while it may seem confusing and controversial, and I believe that English should be the official language of the land, we must try to ensure that while some voters may not speak our lingo, we should at least try to offer them the right to vote in the meantime while they learn to speak English. I know of people who came to this country without speaking a word of English and many of them have gone on to successful careers. After all, my Irish and English ancestors had to face the same situation when they came to the States, even though it had little to do with language and more to do with adapting to life in America. Link here.
Finally, an out-of-town -- yet important -- special election to watch over...With Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand now serving in the Senate seat that once beared the name Hillary Rodham Clinton, Republican State Assembly Minority Leader Jim Tedisco and Democratic venture capitalist Scott Murphy are battling it out for the open, usually GOP swing seat and a lot is at stake. As a Republican looking to rebuild the party, I had hopes for Tedisco, who started off with a strong lead -- a strong lead that resulted from Murphy's unknown stock. But Murphy has since pulled even with (and jumped ahead of) Tedisco as Murphy's stock rose while Tedisco's role as the insider in a outsider vs. insider catfight have dragged him down.
Personally, I believe the Tedisco campaign is not what I hoped it would be (anyone who knows me can tell you that I never go for anything less than 110% in everything I do). Better yet, if I ran the GOP in the Empire State, I would have opted for open primaries instead of a closed-door selection process (where both Murphy and Tedisco received their nominations). The Virginia GOP made this mistake with former U.S. Senator John Warner's seat last year, and the seat has since gone Democratic. This congressional race will determine, among other factors, the fates of Governor David Paterson, RNC Chairman Michael Steele, Obamanomics and whatever else may come. A Murphy win vindicates Obama, while a Tedisco win vindicates Steele. As for Paterson, I'm not sure, and I would be more than willing to campaign against Paterson.

Anyway, I'll be banging away on my bongos..literally. Later.