Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Where Do We Go From Here?

With 2008 slipping into the history books, I am now making sense as to how the results of the 2008 election turned out the way they did. From what yours truly can explain and understand, it is neither worth writing home about nor whining and complaining over. It is not a step forward or a step back. And it is definitely not a comparison of one America versus the other America. Instead, it served as the lesson of a year where the overwhelming desire for change and forward progress in America overtook the status quo of experience and jaded reflections of our glorious past.

The Democrats emerged victorious on November 4th with the capture of the White House and the pickup of several GOP seats, some of which elected Republicans for decades. They also made gains in the Senate, gained the Governor's Mansion in the swing state of Missouri, and broke into many reliably Republican suburbs, while sweeping Republicans out of New England in the House, shutting Senate Republicans out of the West Coast, and cutting into vaunted GOP strongholds by the likes of Virginia, North Carolina and Indiana, generally restricting Republican victories to Southern states such as Texas and Georgia and Appalachian states by the likes of West Virginia and Kentucky, and stealing one of Nebraska's five electoral votes in the process. With a bad economy, infighting between Republicans over the presidential ticket, and fatigue from a presidency that was anything but inspiring, I knew it was going to be a disaster waiting to happen, but in the end the disaster turned out to be milder than I thought it would be while also providing the prospects of a new Republican future.

A Personal Reflection

For me, 2008 began with a focus on the GOP primary for the 22nd Congressional District here in Texas. Sprawled out over a narrow strip of four counties (in geographical order): Fort Bend, Brazoria, Harris and Galveston, and taking a mixture of working-class small towns, minority enclaves, and affluent suburbs (one or two of these three clusters is definitely rising in population), it was the "accidental representative" in Democrat Nick Lampson versus a field of ten Republicans whose bases were largely derived from their experiences - and their roots. Shelley Sekula Gibbs was the seat warmer in Christmas of 2006 after a colorful career on Houston City Council, but she already damaged herself with her sloppy handling of the dismissal of Tom DeLay's staff, which is not uncommon with new members of Congress.

Ten candidates filed on my side of the fence to take out Lampson. In the early stages, the candidate I endorsed was Dean Hrbacek, the former mayor of Sugar Land whose six years were marked by a time of prosperity for Fort Bend with the beginning stages of Sugar Land Town Square and a host of other economic development initiatives and continued a long line of steady Sugar Land leadership and growth that continues to this day. While the campaign was short-lived (fifth place courtesy of terrible results in the Harris portion), the effort and hard work espoused by me, his supporters and his staff was nothing less than our 110 percent. In the end, I threw my support in the runoff and general election behind Pete Olson, a former Senatorial aide to Senators Phil Gramm and John Cornyn who quickly locked the establishment vote after the ten candidates were set in stone.

But despite the attention given to this race, the primary was overshadowed by the 2-to-1 Democratic edge in Fort Bend and many other large Texas counties thanks to a competitive primary between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and efforts by talk-radio kingpin Rush Limbaugh and others to entice Republicans to cross over and aid Hillary. I knew this problem was evident at my precinct convention in a wealthy Sugar Land neighborhood where many of the guests were walking into the Democrats' convention (though this has more to do with the fact that Texas Democrats have a hybrid primary/caucus fusion versus our plain GOP primaries, and I know very well that there are some Democrats who want to do away or at least tinker with the Texas Two-Step). The only thing that differentiated us from the crowd was the fact that we generally wore suits, slacks and leather shoes versus the usual commonwealth cloths of the Dem caucusers. My uncle, who can best be classified as a libertarian-leaning, anti-Vocal Fringe Republican but cast his vote for Hillary, neither attended their caucus nor wanted to join my convention.

The problems were further exacerbated by the county convention, where our predominantly affluent and Republican precinct fielded a mere 27 delegates out of 40, and some precincts - even ones that John McCain won - even reported ONE delegate. "If you don't like McCain, get over it" became a rallying cry. Of course, John McCain was not my first choice, for my political capital was behind former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani to begin with, and then after Rudy left the race, rallied to former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney on Super Tuesday until he dropped out as well. In my first-ever county convention, while I applied for a state-level delegate slot and lost out to more experienced Republicans, my shortcomings can be seen as only the beginning of my political career as I represent the future of the party.

While I did not campaign between the end of the convention and Election Day (for personal and non-political reasons I am not going to state), I continued to contribute whatever efforts I could through the internet. My curiosity with the nature of the House races and the competitiveness waged by many Democratic candidates inspired me to launch my own research into the most important election in our lifetime. My massive project, cleverly titled The Nifty Fifty House Party, was the end result, and it took an enormous chunk of political capital to do. (As a measure of clarity, the ratings as I predicted then are not what I predicted in the end, for I accidentally erased my final predictions on Election Night.)

A Mixed Blessing

On Election Day, I clicked the vote for McCain on the hope that the old McCain (the earmark-busting maverick who fought for what was right even as his colleagues skewered him) would come back in place of the McCain that emerged (a Bush 43 clone who ditched his maverick image and began to back a great number of the President's flawed "compassionate conservatism" ideals). The campaign received a boost with Sarah Palin who galvanized the conservative base and is now being pegged as the leading GOP candidate for 2012. However, that boost was short-lived as McCain's feeble attempts to galvanize the so-called "base" turned off some more principled conservatives who balked at McCain's support for the artery-clogging $700 billion bailout, while some more sensible Republicans who found fault in Palin's "attack dog" mantra and hardline conservatism shifted their votes to Obama or a third-party candidate. Not all is lost, for Palin will have four more years to cultivate and salvage her image as will many other Republicans who are waiting for their big moment. After all, we may even get a relative unknown to step up to the plate in 2012 just as we did with Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul. Whether or not a resurgence will happen by then depends on GOP efforts in the next four years and Obama's record at the White House.

That being said, this is a historic time for America. Barack Obama has broken barriers that some envisioned would never be broken, and even inspired many of my fellow Republicans, some of whom may have crossed the line to cast their ballots for the Illinois Senator. As someone who had the blessing of attending a high school whose largely affluent student body came from a variety of ethnic, cultural, social, economic and political backgrounds, had enormous respect from various faculty members and parents, and had a variety of friends that ranged from cheerleaders and football players to band leaders and drama superstars, guitar aficionados and hip-hop aspirants to computer buffs and DECA marketers, I celebrate the arrival of a new era in America that is defined by what unites us as one country instead of what divides us, and thus far Obama has put together a blue-ribbon team of Cabinet appointees that spans across the political spectrum. At the same time, the failures of 2008 serve to spark the beginning of a much-needed renewal for the Party of Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight Eisenhower and Ronald Reagan.

The race was a wake-up call for my entire family, which usually votes Republican, albeit in a rather negative fashion. My great-aunt, a former GOP precinct chair in Montgomery County north of Houston, or Monco as I personally like to call it, thought young people who turned out strongly for Obama should not be allowed to vote. Another uncle of mine, himself an intelligent business conservative, thought the GOP may have lost the business vote because of the social conservatives' influence. And my cousin, who like me was somewhat undecided before swinging towards McCain in the end, asked me if I was freaking out. The answer? I definitely did not because it is just plain stupid to assume the sky is falling when the vote doesn't go my way. To me, I saw Barack Obama's historic victory not as a shortcoming of GOP efforts, but rather as a mandate on the negative connotations of a stale, outdated GOP brand in need of a good dose of WD-40, and judging from the Facebook status updates on Election Night, a lot of my old high school friends, Republican and Democrat, espoused many views from being scared about having a Democrat (or in one case, a "babykiller") in the White House, to savoring an Obama victory and declaring "It's a beautiful night". For what it was worth, the election was nothing more than a mixed blessing.

The Meaning of Being Republican

The GOP's problem went well beyond the presidential race. The blame game was alive and well even before the final votes were counted. Moderates want to say that social conservatives' litmus tests and purity police are responsible for the party's decline, while conservatives argue that the party is simply not being conservative or "American" enough. In fact, they are both wrong...they both lost for a variety of circumstances. Some of the moderates that lost either faced difficult situations (especially in regards to the Obama vote and external economic issues which played a role in the defeat of Michigan's Joe Knollenberg and Connecticut's Christopher Shays) or caved in to the Religious Right (as Iowa's Jim Leach did in his support of anti-poker legislation, which I found rather stupid and most likely led to his defeat in 2006). But many moderates also retired as well, among them names like Ohio's Ralph Regula, Minnesota's Jim Ramstad and Virginia's Tom Davis. Meanwhile, for conservatives, it is rather silly that they revel in the increasing conservative ranks of the GOP when in fact a lot of their own went down in defeat as well, from Colorado's Marilyn Musgrave and Idaho's Bill Sali out west to Tim Walberg in Michigan, who was elected in 2006 with help from hardcore conservative groups who helped defeat a more moderate Republican.

Republicans will also have to deal with shifting winds in one of its most reliable voting blocs. The evangelical community is moving more towards a Christian Democracy-inspired platform that diversifies beyond gay marriage and abortion to include the environment, poverty and other issues that unite younger evangelicals. Mike Huckabee is one such example. To go further, I would have cast my vote against Prop 8 if I were in California, to the detriment of my own socially conservative family, because we are long past the days of Jim Crow. Imposing a ban on a certain segment of the population for superficial reasons (i.e. our children will lose their innocence, our children will be indoctrinated, etc.) would have created a sheer ripple effect across the deserts and mountains of California on down to its glorious coastline, and it would have also depressed California's already nightmarish financial situation with companies being forced into anti-discrimination lawsuits, among other irregularities. And I personally would never be a homosexual in any way, shape or form.

Going even further into perspective, on my views on abortion lies a fine line between a social conservative and a Religious Right conservative - I am none of the latter and some of the former in the form of my free subscription to the Consistent Life Ethic which contradicts some of the GOP's platform on issues such as the death penalty, and my middling stance on Planned Parenthood (which should focus more on other services such as emergency contraception, cancer screenings, STD testing, and menopause treatments). And if the Vocal Fringe keeps on bastardizing social conservatism and conservatism in general to the point where conservatives of any stripe are seen as a "hate group", then just like Lyndon B. Johnson once told an aide "We have lost the South for a generation", Republicans might as well lose the coastlines, the well-informed, the youth, and more troubling, the business vote and the suburbs, for a generation, and nothing would boil my blood more than for this to happen. To put it in perspective, the government is one nation under God and will continue to be, but the government is not supposed to be God. The Religious Right is more interested in money and power than ministry and scripture.

Additionally, some of these "conservatives" have either turned out to be hypocrites as evidenced by the falls of some social conservative champions. For starters, Idaho's Larry Craig was seen as a family values conservative but later became known for an act of wide stance cottaging in a bathroom stall at the airport in Minneapolis. And there are also many so-called "conservatives" who have been anything but conservative. For me, there is nothing conservative about record deficits, wasteful spending, and butting into the lives of ordinary Americans (whether in the form of religious theocracy or overzealous nanny statism) simply to please the interests of groups that lack patience such as parents who think it is better to invest their life savings in a concert featuring a tween pop sensation (but not necessarily the stars themselves) that will become only a memory come 2012 as opposed to investing in a college education which lasts a lifetime. People will think I am being an anti-family grinch for what I just said, but we must face hard reality: we cannot mortgage our country on our children's backs anymore, and this is NOT a Democrat or Republican position, this is a REAL conservative position. Parents must be parents, not friends, to their children, and must not be afraid to say NO. Yes, your kids might as well go ahead and cry their eyes out, but my TRUE conservative parents taught me to put what matters long-term ahead of any short-term trend that exists. In full, being a Republican is supposed to mean a belief in fiscal restraint, personal responsibility, a strong and prepared defense, and a hearty commitment to the American Dream, NOT attaching costly and unrelated riders to major bills, conquering and dividing electorates, misplacing economic and defense priorities for personal gain, and prodding into the lives of everyday Americans.

As Ronald Reagan put it:

"If you analyze it I believe the very heart and soul of conservatism is libertarianism. I think conservatism is really a misnomer just as liberalism is a misnomer for the liberals–if we were back in the days of the Revolution, so-called conservatives today would be the Liberals and the liberals would be the Tories. The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom and this is a pretty general description also of what libertarianism is."

- Ronald Reagan, from Reason Magazine, July 1975
Additionally, Reagan also stated that "All great change in America begins at the dinner table". This is personally true for me as change in America begins with a simple family dinner and a nice family conversation, focused on a reinforcement of family tradition and a detailed foresight into tomorrow where good advice and the American Spirit are fostered. While Reagan serves as an inspiration to me and millions of Republicans, a need for a new brand of conservative leadership is needed to continue the conservative legacy. Reagan has died long ago and is not coming back. It is time to adapt the principles of our past to a new generation of Americans committed to the future.

A New Stage Is Being Set

Now if I were to play my cards, conservatism will be entering a new stage: where aiming to reduce the national debt (inevitable given the bailout bonanza on Capitol Hill), provide a clean environment that also benefits our economy (the Pickens Plan is a giant step forward), and offer an improved, efficient infrastructure (but definitely NOT in the form of the pork-laden Trans-Texas Corridor) will become integral parts of the platform, where constructive issues like immigration, education and health care will be offered in the form of sensible, efficient alternatives to the Democrats' expected bureaucracy and bungling courtesy of such committee chairs as House Ways and Means Committee boss Charlie Rangel, and where hot-button social issues will take a more pragmatic turn, including finding innovative ways to reduce abortion as opposed to the Prohibitionist mantra of simply criminalizing the practice, because given the sickening nature of abortion, there will always be women that have to have one regardless of any efforts that aim to put a stop to it.

Summing it up, the GOP needs to regroup and get its ducks in order. Blaming social conservatives will not work because not all are "easy to command" types dictated by figures like James Dobson, but rather tend to follow the same ethically sound message that I follow in what I call The Ethic. Booting out the business Republicans will further depress the ranks because they provide the innovation, charisma and entrepreneurial spirit that sews the fabric of our future (and in a sense, may force such voters to vote against their interests). Telling the libertarian Ron Paul Republicans to hit the road is elitist at best as they share many of the same values of freedom and liberty that many true conservatives do. Attacking moderates will do nothing more than burn down the big tent and will only serve to relegate Republicans to dreaded permanent minority status. And making us believe that "deficits don't matter" will boil fiscal conservatives' blood and force the GOP down the same road as the Whigs, a road that we are not willing to take and which will also doom the American Dream.

As a Republican who stands strong in the face of adversity along the lines of Lincoln, cherishes the benefits of a clean environment ala Roosevelt, praises the effectiveness of a top-shelf infrastructure that partially bears the namesake of Eisenhower, and espouses the sunny optimism and peace through strength as defined by Reagan, I find the party at a troubling crossroads. Members of my family don't even know the Republicans anymore, and it seems sometimes that I am the only Republican left. With that in mind, I am looking forward to helping rebuild the party and restore its commitment to freedom, prosperity and sound policy. The challenges I will have to deal with won't be easy, but I am very optimistic that with a broad coalition of committed Americans who want to see a return to reason, a restoration of common sense, and a renewal of the American Dream, the Republican Party can make a comeback.

Today, I no longer consider myself a Republican. I am a New Republican. And I am ready to make the commitment to bring a New Day to America. The Elephant Stampede will roar more than it ever has before. The big tent will rise again.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Season's Greetings!

Just to let you, the reader, it Christmas (today), Hanukkah (started at sunset on the 21st, continues through sunset on the 29th), Kwanzaa (26th until New Year's) or whatever holiday you celebrate...Season's Greetings and a Happy (and more optimistic) New Year!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And so Election 2008 comes to a close...

...with tonight's race in State Senate District 17. With 99 percent of the vote (two precincts still at large) in, my new State Senator is Joan Huffman.

Republican Joan Huffman 24,221 (56.31%)
Democrat Chris Bell 18,792 (43.68%)

The Elephant Stampede holds this one. With that, the most important election season of our time draws to a close.

More Huffin' CowBell...

It's now just past nine...

With under two-thirds of the precincts reporting...

Joan Huffman 18,796 (56.62%), Chris Bell 14,397 (43.37%)

I expected a competitive race, but given name recognition and overconfident donkeys on parade, not like this.

One last race...

Hello, it's me again, and while it has been a rather long time since I last truly posted (not including Greetings), I can now report one last race for 2008...which is in my home base.

Between dinner, untangling spare Christmas lights that aren't being used and a showing of a recent film known as The Darjeeling Limited on pay TV (HBO Signature, specifically), I am tracking the Texas Senate runoff in District 17 between Democrat (and former gubernatorial candidate) Chris Bell and Republican Joan Huffman.

As of 7:47 (update and revision)...

Huffman 11,286 (62.33%), Bell 6,820 (37.66%)

There's more to come tonight.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is Thanksgiving Day, and like many Americans I will be spending this day with my extended family. Regardless of whatever situation may come, and even though this may not be the best of times but perhaps instead may turn out to be the worst of times in recent memory, we shall be grateful and give thanks for what we have achieved in our daily lives and shall look forward to the future as we pull through in these trying times with an uncertain economy already in progress, a period of transition and rebuilding within our environs, and a daunting challenge to renew our standing in the world. While I personally find it very difficult to display a sense of optimism with the events that have transpired, being optimistic about the future is one aspect that I take into account every day. After all, there is nothing better for me to think about on this day than being thankful to those who have been thankful to me over the years and to hope for a better tomorrow.

Best regards,

Kyle S.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The results are in!

Sorry for the delay, but here are the final results from tonight:

Barack Obama is now the 44th President of the United States, having officially been declared the winner of the race just after the West Coast polls closed.

Democrats have picked up Senate seats in Virginia, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Colorado and New Mexico, with competitive races in Georgia, Oregon, Minnesota and Alaska still undecided. The current Senate composition for the 111th Congress is 56 Democrats, 40 Republicans, and 4 seats to be decided.

A number of GOP House seats have gone to the Democrats, though a few seats that were held by Democrats are now in the Republicans' hands (see below for one seat).

The Democrats also picked up a governorship in Missouri.

And here in Fort Bend, the results are a grab bag...

Democrat Chris Bell and Republican Joan Huffman (my two picks) will go to a runoff for the State Senate District 17 seat.

Democrat Richard Morrison has edged Republican Greg Ordeneaux for County Commissioner Precinct 1.

Sugar Land voters supported all four parts of a plan to bring a Cultural Entertainment District here, Missouri City residents voted strongly in favor of a bond issue to improve city parks and the golf course at Quail Valley, and Rosenberg residents (two-thirds in fact) rejected a zoning ordinance proposal.

And in Congressional District 22, Republican Pete Olson defeats incumbent Democrat Nick Lampson to take District 22 back for the Republicans.

As for the White House: John McCain won here...with 50.9 percent compared to 48.6 percent for Obama.

More details later.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Welcome to Election Day 2008

Today is Tuesday, November 4, 2008...Election Day.

Today, all across the United States, millions of Americans will be casting their votes in a historic election that aims to set public policy for the next generation. There are many scenarios that will arise from today's vote, which will aim to shape the destiny of the United States in the coming years.

In America, we will be deciding a new president, the 44th President of the United States. Democrats will look to make history with Senator Barack Obama, who will aim to become the first African American President of the United States, while Republicans will look to move on after the Bush years with Senator John McCain. In addition, a third of the United States Senate (including two special elections), all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives, and eleven governorships along with an assortment of ballot initiatives will be at stake. In addition, control of state legislatures is at stake in all 50 states.

In Fort Bend County (my home base), these are the races in my jurisdiction:

  • Special election for an open State Senate Seat. This is SD17 which used to be the Kyle Janek seat; former Congressman Chris Bell will attempt to pick up the seat against another Democrat (even though Bell is viewed by the Democratic establishment as the only true Democrat in the race) and four Republican opponents; the leading GOP candidates are former Bush 41 staffer/Republican activist Austen Furse and former State District Judge Joan Huffman. Whether or not a runoff ensues depends on tonight.
  • The Presidency (of course).
  • U.S. Senate (John Cornyn will fight back a dark horse challenge from Rick Noriega).
  • Congress (Nick Lampson will attempt to fend off a strong challenge from Pete Olson).
  • Various statewide offices, judicial offices and county offices, as well as State Representative (My State Representative, Charlie Howard, is unopposed).
  • Four bond proposals related to a new Cultural Entertainment District in Sugar Land, including a minor league baseball stadium, an indoor concert venue, and other facilities along with tax adjustments to pay for the project.
Finally, in other parts of Fort Bend, a competitive County Commissioner's race is ongoing, and the community of Weston Lakes is looking to build its inaugural municipal government, among other initiatives.

I will be updating this blog to let you know what is going on...stay tuned!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

The Nifty Fifty House Party - Part L: New York

And so, after six long months of traversing through the American political landscape, I am proud to say that the Nifty Fifty House Party for 2008 has finally reached its final stop this year. After crossing through the home state of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, the Bullet Train to November heads eastward to a state that plays a significant role in the American and world economy, and this year, a significant role in the future of Congress...


From its early beginnings in the 1600s as the Dutch colony known as New Netherlands, the Empire State has played a pivotal role in the life of the United States, whose Constitution was ratified by New York, the 11th state to do so, on July 26, 1788. Much of the state is dotted with forests, rivers and farms, and the nation's largest state park, Adirondack Park, is situated here. Despite its relative sparseness, 92 percent of New Yorkers (the whole state) reside in urban areas largely concentrated around New York City. In fact, its center of population is located in Orange County, an exurban county outside New York City, which comprises two-thirds of the state's population and forms the core of the BosWash megalopolis that stretches from the Boston area to the Northern Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C. While it is a slow growth state with a large out-of-state migration rate, New York is a leading destination for immigrants from all over the world; 20 percent of New Yorkers are foreign-born.

The New York economy is the third largest in America, worth $1.02 trillion, which would be the world's 16th largest economy if New York was an entire nation. The state's agricultural outputs include nursery stock, dairy, cattle, maple syrup and various fruits and vegetables including cabbage (the nation's largest producer), onions, apples, cherries and grapes (including 30,000 acres of vineyards). Its industrial sectors include publishing, auto parts, garments and scientific equipment, largely concentrated in Upstate New York, while nanotechnology is a major sector in the Albany and Hudson Valley regions and imaging equipment serves an integral part of Rochester's economy. New York City, the nation's largest city, is a major global cultural and financial center, home to many of the largest corporations in the world, various financial services firms, exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ, and numerous attractions from Lincoln Center and Central Park to Times Square and the Statue of Liberty.

A swing state as recent as 1988, New York has emerged as one of the most Democratic states in the country. The state's political liberalism is largely the result of heavily Democratic New York City, where all but one member of its current congressional delegation is a Democrat, as well as the conservative nature of the current Republican Party establishment. Outside of New York City, its suburbs tend to be swing areas, but have leaned more towards the Democrats in recent years. While Upstate New York tends to be more conservative and Republican than the Big Apple, its Republican base is more moderate in comparison to the national party, while Upstate Democrats tend to do well in more urban areas such as Buffalo, Syracuse, Rochester and Albany.

One unique aspect of New York politics is electoral fusion, where multiple political parties (such as the Conservative, Working Families and Independence parties) unite behind one candidate. In New York City, it was used to fight Tammany Hall (via the 1933 election of Republican mayor Fiorello La Guardia), the infamous Democratic machine that controlled the city's political establishment well into the postwar era before collapsing in the 1960s. Conservatives usually back Republicans, while Working Families candidates tend to hand out endorsements to Democrats, and candidates of the Independence Party comprise of candidates from both major parties. This year, Barack Obama is expected to carry New York, which is not surprising given that Republicans last won here in Ronald Reagan's 1984 landslide. Meanwhile, the GOP is being targeted for defeat in four of its six congressional seats, with pickups certain in three cases (and especially in one), and another race being closely fought.

Fusion Legend: R = Republican, D = Democrat, C = Conservative, I = Independence, WF = Working Families

District 1 (S-Factor 3.8 DEM): Since first being elected in 2002, Tim Bishop (D/I/WF) never won this district with more than two-thirds of the vote, and this year, attorney and Iraq War vet Lee Zeldin (R/C) is running a dark horse bid for this otherwise fairly competitive seat based in eastern areas of Long Island, including Riverhead, Centereach, Smithtown, and the Hamptons. In a normal season, it would be a competitive race, but a poor GOP climate nationally will make a pickup opportunity a hard sell. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 2 (S-Factor 8.3 DEM): When Rick Lazio challenged Hillary Clinton for the U.S. Senate seat held by Pat Moynihan in 2000, Steve Israel (D/I/WF) ran for this seat -- and won. Since then, this fairly competitive district, largely based in western Suffolk County including such areas as Huntington, Brentwood, Commack and Babylon, as well as a portion of Oyster Bay in Nassau County, has become a safe seat for the incumbent. Businessman Frank Stalzer (R/C) will try. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 3 (S-Factor 2.5 DEM): In 2006, House Homeland Security Committee Ranking Member Peter King (R/C/I) faced a strong challenge for his historically Republican Long Island seat that includes Levittown, Oyster Bay and Lindenhurst against Nassau County Legislator Dave Mejias, but prevailed with 56 percent of the vote. The only Republican congressman on Long Island, King is heavily favored this year for reelection over economic development consultant Graham Long (D/WF). Prediction: Solid GOP.

District 4 (S-Factor 10.0 DEM): Carolyn McCarthy (D/I/WF) will be favored to defend this seat against Mineola Mayor Jack Martins (R/C), who is running a dark horse campaign for this fairly Democratic district based in southwest Nassau County that includes Valley Stream, Hempstead and Garden City. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 5 (S-Factor 18.0 DEM): Gary Ackerman (D/I/WF) is heavily favored for reelection in this largely liberal district that covers northern areas of Queens (Flushing, Bayside, Jamaica Estates) and Nassau County (Manhasset, Port Washington) over Republican attorney Liz Berney and Conservative retired immigration officer Jun Policarpio. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 6 (S-Factor 38.0 DEM): Gregory Meeks (D/WF) is heavily favored for reelection in this heavily Democratic Queens (Jamaica, Saint Albans, Cambria Heights) district. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 7 (S-Factor 27.5 DEM): Incumbent Joe Crowley (D/WF) will cruise to victory in this Bronx (Pelham Bay, Morris Park)/Queens (Jackson Heights, College Point) district for another term over Bronx Conservative Party Treasurer William Britt (R/C). Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 8 (S-Factor 27.3 DEM): Jerrold Nadler (D/WF) will win another term in this district that cuts across Manhattan's Upper West Side and such neighborhoods as Greenwich Village and SoHo, as well as parts of Brooklyn (Bensonhurst, Seagate, Coney Island) over financial executive Grace Lin (R/C). Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 9 (S-Factor 14.0 DEM): Anthony Weiner (D/WF) is a potential Democratic candidate for Mayor of New York City in 2009. This year, the Brooklyn (Flatlands, Mill Basin) and Queens (Kew Gardens, Forest Hills)-based incumbent will be heavily favored over Alfred Donohue (C). Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 10 (S-Factor 39.8 DEM): Ed Towns (D) fended off a primary challenge from hip hop activist, essayist and former reality TV cast member Kevin Powell in the Democratic primary last month and is now heavily favored to defeat Salvatore Grupico (R/C) in this Brooklyn-based (Bedford-Stuyvesant, Canarsie, Ocean Hill) district. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 11 (S-Factor 39.3 DEM): Freshman Yvette Clarke (D/WF) is strongly favored for reelection in this district that takes in the heart of Brooklyn, including Crown Heights, Flatbush and Prospect Heights. Republicans are fielding Hugh Carr, and Conservatives have realtor Cartrell Gore. Neither one has a shot. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 12 (S-Factor 32.8 DEM): Nydia VelƔzquez (D/WF), who in 1992 became the first ever Puerto Rican woman elected to Congress and the current chair of the House Small Business Committee, should have no trouble defeating frequent candidate Allan Romaguera (R/C) in this district that splits across the NYC boroughs of Brooklyn (Red Hook, Sunset Park), Queens (Maspeth, Woodside), and Manhattan (part of the Lower East Side). Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 13 (S-Factor 1.3 DEM): While there are many Republican seats that Democrats are targeting this year and have a good shot at snagging, nothing compares to this district based in Staten Island and portions of Brooklyn including Bay Ridge and Dyker Heights. In fact, it was the last seat to become open (minus one death and two primary defeats that took place afterwards). Vito Fossella was favored for reelection to this district, the most Republican of the New York City seats, until he was stopped for a DWI while driving to see his family -- a family other than the one he is actually married to (Fossella was convicted of this charge on October 17th). When it was revealed that he had an extramarital affair and fathered a child out of wedlock, many called for Fossella to resign or retire, the latter of which did happen.

And if Fossella not seeking reelection was enough to turn heads in the "forgotten borough", the process to find a Republican successor was even more startling. One by one, such notables as District Attorney Dan Donovan and State Senator Andrew Lanza passed over the race, and Republicans settled on Wall Street executive Frank Powers, but not without a family feud: his son Fran Powers considered running as the Libertarian nominee. Then, on the morning of June 22nd, the elder Powers died of a heart attack. And so the party started searching again, and a similar crop of candidates (albeit a lower tier) passed on the race as well, leaving the GOP with former State Assemblyman Bob Straniere, who once represented Staten Island, but moved to Manhattan after he was defeated for reelection in a 2004 primary. To quote a former Staten Island Congressman:

"They couldn't have made a worse mistake. The party was already in desperate shape. They've all but buried it."
- Former Congressman Guy Molinari (R-NY, 1981-1989)
Meanwhile, the Democrats came right off the bat with New York City Councilor Mike McMahon (D/WF) who is now favored to win over Conservative high school development director Tim Cochrane and Independence insurance executive Carmine Morano. Given the nature of this odd race and the GOP climate as it stands, I am going to risk my reputation (and me possibly being called a "liberal" which I am certainly not) on this one... Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 14 (S-Factor 26.3 DEM): Carolyn Maloney (D/WF) first assumed this affluent, liberal district in 1992 when she defeated moderate Republican Bill Green for this East Side Manhattan and Queens (Astoria, Sunnyside) district. Republican attorney Robert Heim and Libertarian Isaiah Matos will try. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 15 (S-Factor 42.3 DEM): This district based in Upper Manhattan including Harlem, Washington Heights and Marble Hill has been the domain of House Ways and Means Committee Chair Charlie Rangel (D/WF) since 1971, and Republican paralegal Ed Daniels will find it very difficult to knock off the longtime incumbent. MartĆ­n Koppel is running as the Socialist Workers candidate and Craig Schley is running as an independent. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 16 (S-Factor 43.0 DEM): Another tough district for Republicans: JosƩ Serrano (D/WF) should have no trouble fending off Ali Mohamed (R/C). George W. Bush only got ten percent here in 2004 and in 2000, six percent in this district based in the Bronx including neighborhoods such as Bedford Park, Melrose, and Fordham. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 17 (S-Factor 21.0 DEM): Eliot Engel (D/I/WF) will easily defeat Robert Goodman (R/C) in a district that covers neighborhoods and towns such as Riverdale and Woodlawn in the Bronx, Nanuet, Suffern and Spring Valley in Rockland County, and Mount Vernon and Yonkers in Westchester County. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 18 (S-Factor 10.5 DEM): Nita Lowey (D/WF) will be heavily favored for another term in this fairly liberal district that covers portions of Westchester (White Plains, Ossining, New Rochelle) and Rockland (New City) counties over Jim Russell (R/C). Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 19 (S-Factor 1.0 GOP): In 2006, Democrat John Hall scored an upset victory over incumbent Republican Sue Kelly in this district that stretches across several of New York's Hudson Valley suburbs including all of Putnam and parts of Westchester, Orange, Rockland and Dutchess counties. Republicans' chances at taking back this seat were sidelined when Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Chairman Andrew Saul dropped out of the race despite posting receipts of $1.47 million through March of this year. The Republican nominee is Iraq War vet and national security activist Kieran Michael Lalor. Fundraising is a major obstacle: Lalor trails the incumbent both in receipts ($544K versus Hall's $2.17 million) and money in the bank ($40K versus the incumbent's $465K). Prediction: Favor DEM.

District 20 (S-Factor 2.0 GOP): Kirsten Gillibrand (D/WF) was the Democrats' control switcher in 2006, becoming the 15th Democrat to pickup a Republican seat that year by defeating Republican John Sweeney, who came under fire due to an incident of domestic violence in which his wife had called police complaining that Sweeney had been "knocking her around". And 15 was the magic number Democrats needed to obtain a majority. The Republicans are fighting back with former New York Secretary of State and former state Republican Party Chair Sandy Treadwell (R/C/I), a former journalist for Sports Illustrated. While he is one of the stronger Republican recruits in this cycle and has raised a total of $6.9 million ($5.9 million of which came from his own pocket), a trifecta of obstacles exist: Gillibrand has $4.48 million in total receipts this cycle (with $3.15 million coming from individual donors), the power of incumbency, and a toxic GOP atmosphere in her favor. The district covers a large swath of Upstate New York surrounding the capital city of Albany including Glens Falls and Saratoga Springs in the north and Hudson in the south. Prediction: Favor DEM.

District 21 (S-Factor 8.8 DEM): While the retirement slates are filled with Republicans, longtime Democrat Mike McNulty is one clear exception. The 10-term incumbent decided not to seek reelection to his traditionally Democratic Capital District (Albany, Schenectady, Troy) seat. The Democrats are looking to former New York State Energy Research and Development Authority President and former State Assemblyman Paul Tonko (D/WF) to keep the seat blue. Republicans, meanwhile, are offering Schenectady County Legislator Jim Buhrmaster (R/C). The Independence Party candidate is Albany County Legislator Phil Steck, who unsuccessfully challenged Tonko for the Dem nod. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 22 (S-Factor 6.0 DEM): This is a fairly competitive seat situated in such cities as Binghamton, Ithaca, Poughkeepsie and Middletown, but Maurice Hinchey (D/I/WF) with should have no trouble knocking off teacher and former congressional aide George Phillips (R/C). Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 23 (S-Factor 0.0): John McHugh (R/C/I) will be favored for another term against attorney Mike Oot (D/WF) in this split Watertown- and Plattsburgh-centric district. Prediction: Solid GOP.

District 24 (S-Factor 0.0): In 2006, when longtime Republican Sherwood Boehlert called it a career after 24 years in this Upstate district based in Utica as well as outlying areas of Syracuse, Oneida County District Attorney Mike Arcuri (D/WF) stepped up to the challenge to flip the seat, facing off against Republican State Senator Ray Meier and winning with 54 percent of the vote in what was seen as a highly competitive seat that year. This year, with the advantage of incumbency, Arcuri will be favored to defeat construction executive Richard Hanna (R/C/I), who has been competitive with $744K in total receipts versus Arcuri's $1.48 million (and outpaces the incumbent in the bank, $345K to $132K), but is facing a difficult GOP climate. Prediction: Favor DEM.

District 25 (S-Factor 3.5 DEM): Longtime Republican incumbent Jim Walsh faced a close race in this swingy Syracuse-to-suburban Rochester district where he was held to 51 percent of the vote. Walsh is retiring, but his 2006 challenger, former congressional aide Dan Maffei (D/WF), is running once again and will aim to flip the seat against former Onondaga County Legislature Chairman Dale Sweetland (R/C) and Green and Socialist candidate Howie Hawkins, a co-founder of the United States Green Party. Sweetland has struggled mightly in fundraising, with only $365K in receipts compared to Maffei's $2.01 million. Based those numbers as well as recent polling (double-digit leads for Maffei), for the Elephant Stampede, this seat can be considered a goner. Prediction: Favor DEM.

District 26 (S-Factor 3.3 GOP): In 2006, then-NRCC Chairman Tom Reynolds barely prevailed against industralist Jack Davis, 52-48 in a district that connects suburbs in the Buffalo and Rochester areas including North Tonawanda, Greece, Lockport and Batavia. This year, Reynolds is retiring and businessman Chris Lee (R/C/I) has stepped up to the plate to hold the seat for the GOP. On the Dem side, Davis ran again while the D-Trip had high hopes for Iraq War vet Jon Powers, who was seen as a stronger candidate to take the seat for the Democrats. However, Powers ended up finishing second in the primary, but the well-funded Davis didn't snag the nomination. Instead, it went to environmental attorney Alice Kryzan, who eventually got the D-Trip's endorsement. So far, Lee maintains a slight advantage as evidenced by polling numbers as well as fundraising totals, with Lee having raised $1.52 million including $620K of his own money and Kryzan raking in $801K including $157K coming from Kryzan herself. Prediction: Leans GOP.

District 27 (S-Factor 7.3 DEM): Buffalo and its southern suburbs dominate the district of Brian Higgins (D/WF), who won this seat in 2004 when Republican Jack Quinn decided to call it a career. Higgins is favored to win over tanning salon entrepreneur Dan Humiston (R/I) and retired PR executive Budd Schroeder (C). Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 28 (S-Factor 15.5 DEM): Incumbent Louise Slaughter (D/I/WF), Chairwoman of the House Rules Committee, will be favored in her bid for a 12th term in this district that stretches out from Niagara Falls to the Rochester area. Accountant David Crimmen (R/C) will try to prove otherwise. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 29 (S-Factor 4.8 GOP): Randy Kuhl (R/C/I) represents the most conservative district in the Empire State, situated in the Southern Tier of the state including the Elmira, Corning and Olean areas, as well as suburbs south of Rochester. Kuhl came to Congress in 2004 to succeed moderate Republican Amo Houghton as the standard bearer for this district. But getting reelected has not been easy for Kuhl; in 2006 he only won 52 percent against retired naval officer Eric Massa (D/WF) a former aide to four-star General and 2004 Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark who left the GOP over the war in Iraq. Massa is running again, and the fundraising picture tells a story: both men are waging competitive bids with Massa posting $1.79 million in total receipts and $234K cash on hand and Kuhl racking up $1.35 million with $209K in the bank. One recent independent poll shows Kuhl trailing Massa in recent polling, albeit by single digits. Not surprisingly, this is a bad GOP year: a toxic climate, a shaky economy, a fundraising crisis, and squandered and ineffective political ideas will make reelection difficult for even the safest elephants all across America. As for this race, it will be tough to a T. Prediction: Tossup.


After six months of going through 50 states, a third of the Senate, and non-voting delegates (one of which will be brand new going into the 111th Congress), all I can say is that it has been a pleasure to cover the arduous task of taking a look at every congressional seat in the United States. It was not an easy job taking a closer look at what will amount to be our most important election in a lifetime, and in fact, given the rigors of this series, the blog's priorities were heavily shifted from the local political scene in my home base (as well as other topics of my blog), which personally made my blog look somewhat out of place.

In the end, after tinkering and experimenting with various features, the final five states in this segment set the formula: each segment began with one or two opening paragraphs that focused largely on aspects of that state's economic base because the economy is the dominant and number one issue on the minds of American voters this year. Then it focused on one or two paragraphs relating to the political situation both traditionally and in the current year. Finally, the districts were reviewed, and in reviewing everything from fundraising totals to voter trends to the strengths and weaknesses of the candidates, I did the best I could to make my analysis as credible, informative, and unbiased as possible, even though there were times when I let out my inner partisan, which was the last thing I would have wanted in my analysis.

As the 2008 election season draws to a close, I clearly understand that competing with a flurry of more established (and in some cases, more biased, whether left or right) sources was not very easy, but as I look back at the last six months, all I can say is that I am very proud of the analysis I have done and regret nothing. This was the very first time I had ever embarked upon such an ambitious project, and while it was not perfect in the end, the one thing that does matter is that all I tried to be in my analysis was honest, because in a world where one slip of the tongue can deliver a crushing blow to one's credibility and self-esteem, honesty matters more than anything.

As for 2008, this year will be a historic election, and one that will set the stage for the direction of the next generation of Americans. I am looking forward to Election Day, and I am sure the same rings true for millions of Americans across the entire country who feel just as optimistic about the future of their country as I do.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Nifty Fifty House Party - Part XLIX: Illinois

After traversing through the beaches and citrus groves of Florida, the Bullet Train to November now heads to a very familiar state in the 2008 race for the White House, where this year the political message runs on a message of change...


The largest state in the Midwestern United States, Illinois is often seen as a microcosm of the entire country. One such example is the city of Peoria, where it was said within Vaudeville circles that a certain act's success in Peoria would guarantee it success anywhere. The question "Will it play in Peoria?" now applies to test marketing on various subjects from household products to policy polls, of which Peoria remains a frequent test market despite recent demographic changes in other parts of the country.

Illinois boasts the nation's fifth-largest economy worth $589 billion, with leading industries including chemicals, food processing, plastics, coal mining, and electronics, as well as a significant agriculture base that produces soybeans, corn, dairy and cattle among other crops. In fact, the state's corn crops produce 40 percent of the nation's ethanol and its soybean crops rank first among the 50 states in most years. The state is also fifth in electricity production (first in nuclear power capacity) and seventh in consumption, and serves as a major hub for transportation due to its centralized location. While a largely rural state, the state's population is dominated by Chicago, the nation's third-largest city where over one-fifth of the state's 12.8 million residents reside and which serves as a major center of financial services, tourism and publishing.

Illinois has historically been a swing state, but in recent years has become the Midwest's most Democratic state, largely due to the influence of heavily Democratic Chicago as well as recent inroads by Democrats in the traditionally Republican suburbs of Chicago. Outside of Chicagoland, the northern and central portions of the state tend to be more Republican while southern Illinois has traditionally voted Democratic. The state served as the political base of Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant, and the birth state of another president, Ronald Reagan. This year, Barack Obama will attempt to become the third president from the Land of Lincoln and make history as the first African American elected to hold the White House. With that in mind, Illinois' other U.S. Senator, Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin will be up for reelection and is heavily favored, and the state's congressional delegation, particularly on the Republican side, will aim to fight back against an expected Obama wave.

District 1 (S-Factor 34.5 DEM): Democrat Bobby Rush has been the standard-bearer for this staunchly Democratic district that covers much of Chicago's South Side as well as such south Cook County suburbs as Evergreen Park and Blue Island. He should have no trouble defeating Republican Cook County correctional officer Antoine Members this year. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 2 (S-Factor 34.5 DEM): In this heavily liberal and Democratic district based in southern suburbs of Chicago including Calumet City, Harvey and Chicago Heights, Democrat Jesse Jackson Jr. (that's right, the son of Jesse Jackson) is heavily favored over Republican Anthony Williams. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 3 (S-Factor 10.5 DEM): Dan Lipinski is a moderate by Chicago Democratic standards, and it subjected him to primary challenges from more liberal Democrats in this western Cook County district that includes parts of Chicago and suburbs such as Berwyn, Palos Hills and Oak Lawn. However, they have not been successful with Lipinski pulling off 53 percent of the vote against more liberal competition and the incumbent is now favored to defeat Republican realtor Michael Hawkins. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 4 (S-Factor 30.3 DEM): This unusual district connects two heavily Hispanic portions of Chicago through a narrow strip along Interstate 294, with the northern portion containing a significant Puerto Rican population and the southern part including a large Mexican population. Incumbent Democrat Luis GutiƩrrez, who is of Puerto Rican descent, will be heavily favored to win another term over Republican Daniel Cunningham. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 5 (S-Factor 17.5 DEM): Four years after succeeding Governor Rod Blagojevich in this North Side Chicago district that includes the friendly confines of Wrigley Field, Democrat Rahm Emanuel was rewarded for his work as chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (the D-Trip) in the 2006 Dem takeover with the position of House Democratic Caucus Chairman. This year, Emanuel is favored to defeat Republican commercial real estate broker Tom Hanson. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 6 (S-Factor 2.5 GOP): This historically Republican seat is situated in the bulk of the affluent DuPage County suburbs of Chicago, including such towns as Wheaton, Lombard and Carol Stream as well as parts of northwestern Cook County. After a 32-year reign by the late Henry Hyde, Republican Peter Roskam stepped in to succeed the former Chairman of the House Judiciary (1995-2001) and Foreign Affairs (2001-2007) Committees and notable pro-life advocate (known for the Hyde Amendment), but not without a fight: Roskam had to fend off decorated Iraq War vet and Democrat Tammy Duckworth in a race that some thought would swing in Duckworth's favor due to her enormous war chest ($4.52 million versus Roskam's $3.44 million). In the end, Roskam prevailed with 51 percent of the vote. This year, Roskam will face another Democratic Iraq War vet, former Illinois Homeland Security Advisor Jill Morgenthaler, who the D-Trip has hailed as an "emerging" candidate but lacks the warchest of Duckworth (only $740K in total receipts and $101K cash on hand compared to Roskam's warchest of $2.39 million and COH totals of $694K). Then again, imagine what the impact of an Obama campaign in the Senator's home state can do... Prediction: Favor GOP.

District 7 (S-Factor 34.5 DEM): This district is situated in the downtown and west and south sides of Chicago and some western Cook County suburbs. Longtime Democrat Danny Davis will be heavily favored to knock off Republican businessman and Navy vet Steve Miller. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 8 (S-Factor 4.5 GOP): Democrat Melissa Bean entered Congress in 2004 by upending longtime (think 35 years) Republican Phil Crane in a district that covers several northwestern suburbs of Chicago, including Schaumburg, Palatine and McHenry. Republicans have tried unsuccessfully to unseat Bean, who has crafted a more moderate image in comparison to most other Chicagoland Democrats. Wholesaler and former minor league hockey player Steve Greenberg is the GOP candidate in a district that is historically Republican, but compared to Bean's $3 million in receipts, and $349K cash on hand, Greenberg has raised $940K and has only $24K left in the bank. With Obama at the top of the ballot, it will not be easy to wrest this one out of the Donkey Brigade. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 9 (S-Factor 19.8 DEM): This covers some of Chicago's North Shore suburbs, including Evanston, Skokie, Des Plaines and Niles, as well as part of Chicago's North Side. Generally liberal in orientation, it is heavily favorable territory for Democrat Jan Schakowsky over Republican businessman and Air Force vet Michael Younan. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 10 (S-Factor 3.8 DEM): Parts of Lake County (Waukegan, Highland Park) and some other affluent northern Chicago suburbs (Northbrook, Arlington Heights) fall into this historically Republican district situated along the North Shore that has been the domain of moderate Republican Mark Kirk since he succeeded John Edward Porter in 2000. In 2006, Kirk faced a strong challenge from marketing executive Dan Seals who held the incumbent to 53 percent in 2006. There will be a rematch this time, and with Obama at the top of the ticket, Kirk will need every bit of the $4.83 million he has raised to knock off Seals and his $3 million. Prediction: Tossup.

District 11 (S-Factor 0.8 GOP): With Jerry Weller getting roasted over land deals in Nicaragua among other issues, the incumbent Republican has decided to call it a career after seven terms in this district that largely sits in burgeoning Will County (Joliet) as well as some areas of north central Illinois including Bloomington. The Democrats have scored a major coup with State Senate Majority Leader Debbie Halvorson, while Republicans have had quite a scenario: losing its initial nominee, Chicago Ridge police chief and New Lenox mayor Tim Baldermann, when he pulled out of the race. Now they have another, much more well-heeled candidate in businessman Marty Ozinga, who runs a family-owned concrete business. Halvorson is aided by political experience and the ballot presence of Obama, while cash competitiveness (as well as the unpopularity of Governor Blagojevich) may help Ozinga. The polls tell a different story...Halvorson has consistently been in the lead. Prediction: Leans DEM.

District 12 (S-Factor 5.0 DEM): Longtime Democrat Jerry Costello will be favored for another term in this southern Illinois district (East St. Louis, Belleville, Carbondale) over college student and Navy vet Tim Richardson. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 13 (S-Factor 4.3 GOP): Moderate Republican Judy Biggert has generally won reelection without difficulty in this historically Republican seat based in Chicago's southwestern suburbs including Naperville, Downers Grove, Bolingbrook and Orland Park. Obama's presence at the top of the ticket along with the usual playbook of the Democrats (tie the incumbent to a president who isn't even on the ballot) could be beneficial to marketing executive Scott Harper, who the D-Trip is hailing as an "emerging" candidate. Money talks: Biggert has $1.25 million in receipts, $405K cash on hand, and experience. Harper has $873K raised, $253K available, and the prospect of Obamatails. Prediction: Solid GOP.

District 14 (S-Factor 4.3 GOP): When former House Speaker Dennis Hastert bid adieu to his historically Republican seat, it launched a free-for-all of sorts with a number of candidates from both parties apiece seeking this district situated largely in the growing Fox Valley exurbs of Chicago (Aurora, Elgin) and stretching out to towns such as DeKalb and Dixon. The Republicans nominated investment banker and dairy magnate Jim Oberweis, a former candidate for U.S. Senate in 2002 and 2004 and for Governor in 2006, to run in a district that also includes the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, or Fermilab. And out of the Fermilab came physicist and businessman Bill Foster, who snagged the nomination for the Democrats. In the end, Foster defeated Oberweis in a special election where he won 53 percent of the vote. Both men are running again, this time with Foster having the advantages of incumbency (and Obamatails present). Prediction: Favor DEM.

District 15 (S-Factor 5.8 GOP): Moderate Republican Tim Johnson will be favored for another term in this Central Illinois district that includes areas such as Champaign, Mattoon and Danville over Vietnam vet and retired State Department employee Steve Cox. Prediction: Solid GOP.

District 16 (S-Factor 4.0 GOP): Don Manzullo has represented this northern Illinois seat that stretches out from the Rockford area eastward to some suburbs of Chicago such as Crystal Lake since 1992. Barrington Hills Village President Bob Abboud is the Democrat-in-waiting. Prediction: Solid GOP.

District 17 (S-Factor 4.8 DEM): Freshman Democrat Phil Hare has no opponents in this district that includes the Decatur, Quincy and Quad Cities (Moline, Rock Island) areas. Prediction: Solid DEM.

District 18 (S-Factor 5.3 GOP): Ray LaHood is leaving behind this historically Republican seat based in Peoria and Springfield that landed in his hands in 1994 when he succeeded then-outgoing House Minority Leader Bob Michel in a year when Republicans took control of the House. A wunderkind is the GOP nominee this time around in 27-year old State Representative Aaron Schock, who started his career as a member of the Peoria School Board when he was a 19-year-old Bradley University student and later served as its President before entering his current position in 2004. The Democrats had a rockier situation with finding a nominee, first settling on former NBA coach and TV commentator Dick Versace until he bowed out of the race. Substituting Versace is former radio and television broadcaster Colleen Callahan, who will have an uphill battle of sorts going up against Schock. Prediction: Solid GOP.

District 19 (S-Factor 7.5 GOP): John Shimkus represents the most conservative district in Illinois, situated in rural southern Illinois including Springfield, Centralia and Collinsville. The Democrat-in-waiting is Illinois Department of Public Health official Daniel Davis. Prediction: Solid GOP.

Next stop: The last state...